Renting out a property requires extending a certain degree of trust in the renter; when renters allow landlords to perform resident background checks it helps to instill trust. The ideal tenant will respect the property and abide by the rules and … [Continue reading]
Filling Tenant Vacancies with Quality Renters: 6 Marketing Strategies for Landlords
A landlord is first and foremost a business owner, and once units are rented, a nice stream of income can flow in. Because of this, tenant vacancies are one of the main impediments landlords strive to avoid. That said, renting to “just anybody” to … [Continue reading]
Defining the Perfect Tenant: 4 Qualities to Look For
Landlords are inundated with advice and information about what to avoid in rental applicants, but what about finding the perfect tenant? This article offers a more positive spin on choosing quality tenants. The perfect tenant – the following are … [Continue reading]
Rent Trends for Landlords to Watch in 2016
Landlords have a lot to look forward to with rent trends in 2016. Signs point to beneficial innovations in the industry as well as favorable conditions generally for renting properties. The following are some of the top rent trends landlords can … [Continue reading]
4 Tips For Getting Tenant Rental Payments On Time Consistently
Becoming a landlord is a dream come true for many Americans. It’s a means of investing in the future and creating a business that can generate cash flow for a lifetime. However, that flow of cash can get crimped very quickly if tenant’s rental … [Continue reading]